Getting into professional life is
totally different phase of life after graduation and not all students are ready
to start off their careers in dream manner because of their hesitancy and
reluctance to work in alien environment of professional corporations. However,
the feeling was totally different for me as a Preston Alumni and I was a
confident professional ready to tackle challenges of professional world that
might be thrown towards me. Years after my graduation day, I still feel proud
to be a part of Preston University family. However, something that almost tore
my heart and choked me to the core was to see Preston University fraud, scam
over different sites. Offering fake degrees to Southeast Asia students and degree
mill slogans was just too much for me to immediately right this response on
behalf of my institute.
I would like all students out there to
know that there is no truth in Preston University scam, Preston University
fraud, degree mill or any other malign statement written over the cyber space. Preston
University is the greatest of educational institute that I know till today and
you al should be proud to be a part of an amazing institute.
agree with you preston university is no a fraud